Reflexology and Aromatherapy in Romford

Restore • Renew • Rebalance

Welcome to HR Aromatic Reflexology

About Me

My name is Hannalise Robinson and I am a fully qualified and insured Reflexologist based in Romford. I also see clients from the surrounding areas of Hornchurch, Upminster, Harold Hill, Gidea Park and Harold Wood.

I can remember the first time I smelled the refreshing lemony aroma of Lemon verbena, as I played in my grandmother’s back garden as a young girl in South Africa and how fascinated I was when the lemony scent intensified when I crushed the leaves between my fingers. Unbeknownst to me then, it would set me on the path of Aromatherapy and later Reflexology.

I studied Holistic Therapies at Havering Collage in 2007, but had to wait a few years looking after my two young children before I could get stuck into the wonderful world of aromatic essential oils and the balancing effect of Reflexology.

In 2015 I studied Clinical Aromatherapy at The Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy at Regent’s University in London and in 2016 I studied Reflexology at the London School of Reflexology also based at Regent’s University.

In my practice, I combine these two holistic modalities to create Aromatic Reflexology - which is a hands-on technique incorporating the balancing touch of Reflexology, with the healing properties of carefully chosen essential oils. It is a safe, natural therapy that relaxes, balances and harmonies the mind and body. I have continued my studies and developed a great passion for women's health, especially peri-menopause, menopause and all the symptoms that women develop during this transition period in their lives e.g. insomnia, brain fog, muscular aches and pains, anxiety and stress.


I am a proud member of:

Association of Reflexologist – AOR

International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists - IFPA

This means that I adhere to their codes of conduct, have met their required level of qualifications and that I am fully insured for all the treatments on offer.

AOR 26744

IFPA 19153

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is based on the idea that the whole body with its systems, organs and structures are mapped out on the feet, hands, and face.

Each of these organs, structures and systems in the body is linked to the feet by energy channels or meridians.

So, when our physical and emotional well-being is compromised by illness or stress the meridians become congested.

Applying gentle pressure to specific points on your feet can help restore the free flow of energy and can restore the body to its natural state of health and well-being.

My Other Services

Aromatic-Reflexology for stress & anxiety

Long term stress and anxiety can have a negative effect on both your physical and psychological health. Chronic exposure to stress can lead to the overproduction of the stress the hormone, cortisol – which may result in anxiety and depression.

Aromatic-Reflexology can induce a deep state of relaxation, leading to a calmer mind. It can also reduce physical tension in the body, that can lead to a sense of physical and mental relief.

Regular aromatic-reflexology sessions can calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety and stress leading to better sleep patterns and improve health and wellbeing.

Using essential oils during a reflexology session can enhance the benefits, the aroma of the essential oils sets a calming environment, while the physical touch of reflexology promotes relaxation and reduce tension.

Aromatic-Reflexology for Menopause

Menopause is a natural process marking the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. It is often accompanied by various symptoms, such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings and sleep disturbance. Regular aromatic-reflexology sessions during the menopause can help support you in adjusting to these changes.

  • Reduce stress and promote relaxation – this can be particularly helpful for women experiencing anxiety, irritability and moods swings.
  • Can reduce other symptoms such as hot flushes, headaches and joint pain.
  • Improved sleep – by aiding in relaxation and reducing stress
  • Emotional support – an aromatic-reflexology treatment provide time for self-care and are a soothing, supportive experience during the emotional fluctuations common to menopause.
  • Reflexology and essential oils can be a valuable part of a holistic approach to managing menopause symptoms.

Aromatic-Reflexology for insomnia

Reflexology is known to be profoundly relaxing, by targeting specific reflex points on the feet – this will reduce tension and anxiety, which are common contributors to insomnia.

Studies has shown that lower cortisol levels can lead to a calmer state of mind and body, making it easier to relax and fall asleep.

The relaxing effects of reflexology, especially combined with sleep promoting essential oils, can promote deeper and more restful sleep.

What happens during an Aromatic - Reflexology Treatment?

I will take a thorough consultation to make sure I understand how best to help you, and together we will pick a bespoke blend of essential oils to assist you on the day. If you are a returning client, we will talk about how you felt after your last treatment.

You then can get comfortable on the couch, while I wipe your feet with warm towels. After your treatment I will give your feet a little squeeze to ground you, we will discuss the treatment and decide on the best aftercare advice for you.

Here are a few of the more common conditions that can be supported through Aromatic - Reflexology:


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Headaches and migraines

Stress & tension



Women’s health

PMT, PMS & menstrual problems

Hormonal imbalances

Insomnia & sleep disorders

Back pain

Working With Me

On your first visit, I will conduct an in-depth wellness consultation, asking about your past and current health and well-being and your lifestyle. This will enable me to work out the best treatment plan for you. We will also discuss the use of essential oils and we will pick your bespoke blend together.

Get in touch

Contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the therapies I offer, or to ask about booking Reflexology sessions. Alternatively, you can call me on 07928805549.

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